AI Filmmaking:
The Wishlist
A Target which cannot be seen, cannot be hit.
So, really, how far away are we from being able to use emerging AI tools to create a watchable feature film from a finished screenplay?​
Answer: a very long way.
Generative AI tools are impressive, fur sure, but they're a long way from being viable creative tools for narrative filmmaking.​​
The following list is just the main points, but from my point of view, as a narrative filmmaker trying to turn my screenplay into a watchable movie, these are the things that we still need in order to create watchable narrative "movies":
- Continuity
- Expression
- Eye Control
- Hand Control
- Full-body Movement Control
- Screenplay Interpretation Assist
- Workflow Tools
- File Management
​​*note*: This list is a living document.
These items are just the starting points to get the ball rolling.
This list will be regularly updated as new needs become evident.