
The perfect movie-making AI tool?
It doesn’t exist yet…
But when it finally does, for independent narrative filmmakers, it will do all THIS…​​​​​
Story Project Management
Licensed Professionals
Asset organisation - Folder library and catalog system with tagging and metadata for images and clips
Eco-Friendly Design
Story-creation tool (structural outline and story building blocks)
Scriptwriting tool
Screenplay interpretation / assist (highlighting plot holes, story and character inconsistencies, dead-ends and pointless meanderings)
Storyboard tool
Character casting / creation
Costume design
Location design
Vehicle Design
“Creature” design
Props design
Colour Palette preview
Mood board​
First-Rate Materials
Controllable and Consistent:
Character facial expressions and emotions
Eye direction / movement
Dialogue (single character and multiple characters)
Characters (single and multiple)
Body movements
hand movements
romance *ehem*
handing instruments, weapons, eating utensils, drinks, tools, vehicle controls, pencil and paper, babies, small animals, props etc.
Animals / creatures / Droids / non-human characters
VFX - explosions, magic, destruction, fire, flood, etc
Scene replay from multiple camera angles with multiple lens views - from wide angle to zoom - with accurate field of view
Scene replay with multiple lighting options
Scene replay with multiple location / background options
Scene replay with multiple furniture / props options
Scene replay with VFX options
Dialogue recording and organisation
Music / songs
SFX / Foley
Clips exported for editing in existing tools like Final Cut Pro
Licensed Professionals
Delivery Platform
Eco-Friendly Design
Streaming (Netflix, Hulu etc)
YouTube “streaming” channel service
Is there any good news?
So, if we're such a long way from AI being a usable tool for making movies, what CAN AI tools do for narrative storytellers?
Narrated stories (video format) aka "Visual audiobook"
Children’s books (static and video)
Graphic novels (static and video)
Music Videos​

My Quest...
I spent more than a decade writing the screenplay to the movie that I'd most love to watch.
Now I'm on a quest to turn that screenplay into a watchable movie using emerging AI tools.
This website is the place for me to document that quest.